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AMIGOS DE NEIL DIAMOND (The Spanish Neil Diamond Fan Club) -





I have read Dave's new material and, as always, it is fantastic!  Awesome! There is much love in each of his articles.

I adore his work!!

DAVE RADSTOCK  - In Response to May Gómez de Paz (above) -

Thank you so much for your great compliment of the work I do for the website, however, the site is a culmination of contributions from many people, and the initial idea and inspiration from Webmaster Doug,

I was indeed surprised to be invited to contribute to something I have a great love of, the music and career of

Neil Diamond, I sincerely hope I can continue to provide interesting and informative articles for your and everyone's enjoyment.


I checked out the 50 Golden Years page and found it very informative.  It answered many of the questions that 

I had about some of my favourite Neil Diamond songs!   EXCELLENT addition to an already great website.


If you want to add two more songs to the list, I suggest 'Dry Your Eyes' and 'Hell Yeah'.  'Dry Your Eyes' is a song he wrote with Robbie Robertson when they worked together on the 'Beautiful Noise' album.   It's a powerful tribute/healing song about the assassinations of John F Kennedy, Rev Martin Luther King Jr and

Robert F Kennedy , in the 60's!  'Hell Yeah' is one of Neil's more recent songs that takes you through the ups and the downs of his 50 year career!


Neil Diamond doesn't just sing a song, he makes you feel it too!   Hell yeah! He does ...  Take care and keep up the good work.


Amazing! Simply amazing! Just when I think that NDC can't possibly come up with anything new,

you prove me wrong every time! I have never seen any footage on the 1976 Australia concert before, that was really great!  Thank you...

I don't know how “Picasso” Dave can paint such an accurate picture about Hot August Night 1972, without being there, but he does! He mentions that during the Prologue that the audience was probably wondering if they were in the right venue. I actually did look at my wife, at the time, and say out loud "Are you sure we're in the right place?” That is uncanny…

Anyway, I am just blown away by the "Live" Celebration page and I will never doubt that NDC can't come up with new and great ideas again. "I'm A Believer"... 

Take care and keep up the outstanding work...

DAVE RADSTOCK - In Response to Tom Bowyer (above) -

Dear Tom,


I must offer my sincere thanks for your wonderful message regarding our newest articles, and the "Neil Diamond Live: A Celebration" page as a whole. To receive such praise for something, which in all honesty, is a labour of love, makes the efforts of not just myself, but webmaster Doug worthwhile. What Doug set out to do was to create a website as a lasting homage to this unique music icon, Neil Diamond, and provide something wholly different from other sites regarding Neil. The website as it has evolved is a totally immersive, and mature website dedicated to Neil, his music, and career. I was staggered, and equally surprised to be asked to be a part of the project, and feel honoured to write about a man I have had a great admiration for since being a young boy. I always said if I was ever to appear on the quiz show "Mastermind" my specialist subject would be the life and career of Neil Diamond, my knowledge of him has been built up over many years of reading, listening, and attending his shows, of which there have been many.


As you know yourself, Neil Diamond is a unique and special individual, blessed with a natural ability for writing, and creating music, something which existed in him, which prompted him to quit his medical studies to pursue his dream of a career in the music industry. Such are his gifts, we couldn't imagine any other career path he could have taken.

I didn't attend the famous 'Hot August Night' concert of 1972, but imagined that the way Neil structured the show with full orchestra, the audience must have thought they were at the wrong venue. As you succinctly stated in your post, and then proceeded to take that thought further with regards the "Tree People" and all, how I would have loved to have been there.


It is always a pleasure to hear from other fans of Neil Diamond, and for them to appreciate what we strive to do with the website, but as Doug has said, this is not solely "Our" website, it is yours and every other fan of Neil Diamond;

it has been created for you, and trust it will be as lasting and enduring as Neil Diamond himself has been.


Once again, sincere thanks, and continue reading and listening.

Dave Radstock


I just love your website! You guys do such an incredible job showcasing Neil Diamond! Fantastically written stories, beautiful artwork and incredible videos! Thank you for all your devoted hard work! Hope Neil checks it out.


This is a marvellous website, dedicated to a great artist and his great and wonderful music. Thank you for the site ....


Love the videos you put together Neil Diamond Central!!! Thanks for all you do and to everyone else that contributes to making such beautiful images that compliment the Neil's music perfectly! I've loved a lot of

Neil Diamond's music for a very long time now.

CATHARINE PIKEGreat Review.... and Marvellous Website!!  

Thank you for a fabulous review of Neil's Manchester show. I saw him in London, Ontario and Toronto in 2015 and then in Toronto this year.  I have been watching most of his 50th Anniversary Tour (including the Manchester show) on Periscope. I believe he is even better in 2017 than in 2015!!  Your Review describes his concert so eloquently. Thanks for a marvellous website.


The website is absolutely brilliant, thanks for directing me to it.


I’ve spread the word about your fantastic website to some of my friends. It’s so fantastic and professionally done. Thanks for all you do. We’re staying tuned... and will visit often.


Gracias al Neil Diamond Central. Estoy muy emocionada. Sus temas me transportan. ¹

¹ Translation - Thanks to Neil Diamond Central.  I am very excited, your themes elevate me.

Love your website. It is the most beautiful and complete Neil Diamond website we have ever seen. Love your work!

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